Hi, welcome!
My name is Lieneke, crochet lover from the Netherlands. I started crocheting in March 2022 and after finishing my first amigurimi, more adorable creatures had to follow. Pretty soon, I got the hang of it and discovered the challenge behind designing your own amigurumi. Jill the Jellyfish became my first designed pattern (for more information, see the tab "Available patterns"). At the end of 2022, I discovered the crochet overlay technique (mosaic), which will be something you can expect in future designs as well.
On a daily basis, I work in the building enviroment as cost engineer. Apart from crocheting, I love to go climbing/bouldering, hiking or cycling/running in my free time. I am definitly not a sitting-still kinda person. Whenever I can, I love to be in the mountains (hence the banner), which is the thing that I miss the most in the Netherlands.
Thank you so much for your interest in my work. I can only hope you experience the same amount of fun as I do while working on it. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
Kind regards, Lieneke

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